Responsiveness of Mitogen-Activated Protein-Kinase signaling on chemical exposure of human and fish cells


Funded by Swiss National Science Foundation, SCOPES IZ73Z0_152743/1, 2014-2017

This was joint research project, promoted by two partner groups, one in Switzerland (Prof. Dr. Kristin Schirmer, Department of Environmental Toxicology, Eawag-Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology) and the other in Serbia (Dr. Nebojsa Andric, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology).

Project set out to identify and quantify MAPK signaling pathway responses perturbed by chemicals found in the environment by combining biological, chemical and mathematical approaches. This set up the base for further development, validation and implementation of the new set of assays for quantitative high throughput testing (qHTP), that will allow rapid analysis of many chemicals for better chemicals risk assessment.