
Integration of Biological Responses and PBTK Modeling in Chemical Toxicity Assessment: А Case Study of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA). Acronym ToxIN. Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia – The program PRISMA. Project No. xxxxx (2023 – 2026)

Примена вештачке интелигенције у процени ефеката хемикалија из радног и животног окружења на људско здравље. Покрајински секретаријат за високо образовање и научноистраживачку делатност Војводине Пројекат бр.142-451-2695/2021-01 (2021-2024)

Common phthalate DEHP and women’s reproductive health risk assessment: mechanistic and chronic low-dose exposure studies (DETOX). Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia – Program for excellent projects of young researchers-PROMIS. No. 6062573

Curricula Development in the Fields of Reproductive Biology/Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Regenerative Medicine in Serbia. Erasmus plus – KA2 Capacity Building in the Filed of Higher Education, Project No.586181‐EPP‐1‐2017‐1‐RS‐EPPKA2‐CBHE‐JP

Endocrine disruptors and reproductive health: effects and mechanisms of action on human granulosa cells and spermatozoa, Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, Project No. 114-451-2573/2016-03 (2016-2019)

Ispitivanje uticaja mikotoksina T-2 na reprodukciju: analiza rizika i značaj za javno zdravlje. Pokrajinski sekretarijat za visoko obrazovanje i naučno-istraživačku delatnost AP Vojvodine br. 114-451-2780/2015-03 (2015)

Akutni i hronični efekti akrilamida na kožu i organe digestivnog sistema. Pokrajinski sekretarijat za visoko obrazovanje i naučno-istraživačku delatnost AP Vojvodine br. 114-451-933/2015-03 (2015)

Responsiveness of Mitogen-Activated Protein-Kinase signaling on chemicals exposure of human and fish cells. Swiss National Science Foundation, SCOPES IZ73Z0_152743/1 (2014-2017)

Environmental signaling and ovarian diseases susceptibility (EcoSignal), Project No. 321745 FP7- PEOPLE-2011-MC-CIG (2012-2016)

Endocrine disrupting compounds: reproductive, metabolic, developemental responses and mechanisms of action in selected model organisms and cell lines. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, Grant No. 173037 (2011- )

Establishing and developing of an ecotoxicology platform in Serbia and Croatia: a focus on zebrafish (Danio rerio). Swiss National Science Foundation, SCOPES IZ73Z0_128025/1 (2010-2012)